Package 'bravo'

Title: Bayesian Screening and Variable Selection
Description: Performs Bayesian variable screening and selection for ultra-high dimensional linear regression models.
Authors: Dongjin Li [aut, cre], Debarshi Chakraborty[aut], Somak Dutta [aut], Vivekananda Roy [ctb]
Maintainer: Dongjin Li <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 3.2.2
Built: 2025-02-22 05:24:47 UTC

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Bayesian Iterated Screening (ultra-high, high or low dimensional).


Perform Bayesian iterated screening in Gaussian regression models


bits(X, y, lam = 1, w = 0.5, pp = FALSE, max.var = nrow(X), verbose = TRUE)



An n×pn\times p matrix. Sparse matrices are supported and every care is taken not to make copies of this (typically) giant matrix. No need to center or scale.


The response vector of length n.


The slab precision parameter. Default: 1.


The prior inclusion probability of each variable. Default: 1/2.


Boolean: If FALSE (default) the algorithm stops after including max.var many variables. If true, the posterior probability stopping rule is used.


The maximum number of variables to be included.


If TRUE (default) will show the variable index included in each iteration.


A list with components


An integer vector of the screened model.


The sequence of posterior probabilities until the last included variable.


The value of lam, the slab precision parameter.


The value of w, the prior inclusion probability.


Wang, R., Dutta, S., Roy, V. (2021) Bayesian iterative screening in ultra-high dimensional settings.


n=50; p=100;
TrueBeta <- c(rep(5,3),rep(0,p-3))

rho <- 0.6
x1 <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
X <- sqrt(1-rho)*x1 + sqrt(rho)*rnorm(n)
y <- 0.5 + X %*% TrueBeta + rnorm(n)
res<-bits(X,y, pp=TRUE)
res$model.pp # the vector of screened model
res$postprobs # the log (unnormalized) posterior probabilities corresponding to the model.pp.

Compute marginal inclusion probabilities from a fitted "sven" object.


This function computes the marginal inclusion probabilities of all variables from a fitted "sven" object.


mip.sven(object, threshold = 0)



A fitted "sven" object


marginal inclusion probabilities above this threshold are stored. Default 0.


The object returned is a data frame if the sven was run with a single matrix, or a list of two data frames if sven was run with a list of two matrices. The first column are the variable names (or numbers if column names of were absent). Only the nonzero marginal inclusion probabilities are stored.


Somak Dutta
Maintainer: Somak Dutta <[email protected]>


n <- 50; p <- 100; nonzero <- 3
trueidx <- 1:3
truebeta <- c(4,5,6)
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p) # n x p covariate matrix
y <- 0.5 + X[,trueidx] %*% truebeta + rnorm(n)
res <- sven(X=X, y=y)
res$ # the MAP model

Z <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p) # another covariate matrix
y2 = 0.5 + X[,trueidx] %*% truebeta  + Z[,1:2] %*% c(-2,-2) + rnorm(n)
res2 <- sven(X=list(X,Z), y=y2)
mip.sven(res2) # two data frames, one for X and another for Z

Make predictions from a fitted "sven" object.


This function makes point predictions and computes prediction intervals from a fitted "sven" object.


## S3 method for class 'sven'
  model = c("WAM", "MAP"),
  interval = c("none", "MC", "Z"),
  return.draws = FALSE,
  Nsim = 10000,
  level = 0.95,
  alpha = 1 - level,



A fitted "sven" object


Matrix of new values for X at which predictions are to be made. Must be a matrix; can be sparse as in Matrix package.


The model to be used to make predictions. Model "MAP" gives the predictions calculated using the MAP model; model "WAM" gives the predictions calculated using the WAM. Default: "WAM".


Type of interval calculation. If interval = "none", only point predictions are returned; if interval = "MC", Monte Carlo prediction intervals are returned; if interval = "Z", Z prediction intervals are returned.


only required if interval = "MC". if TRUE, the Monte Carlo samples are returned. Default: FALSE.


only required if interval = "MC". The Monte Carlo sample size. Default: 10000.


Confidence level of the interval. Default: 0.95.


Type one error rate. Default: 1-level.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


The object returned depends on "interval" argument. If interval = "none", the object is an ncol(newdata)×1\code{ncol(newdata)}\times 1 vector of the point predictions; otherwise, the object is an ncol(newdata)×3\code{ncol(newdata)}\times 3 matrix with the point predictions in the first column and the lower and upper bounds of prediction intervals in the second and third columns, respectively.

if return.draws is TRUE, a list with the following components is returned:


vector or matrix as above


an ncol(newdata)×Nsim\code{ncol(newdata)} \times \code{Nsim} matrix of the Monte Carlo samples


Dongjin Li and Somak Dutta
Maintainer: Dongjin Li <[email protected]>


Li, D., Dutta, S., Roy, V.(2020) Model Based Screening Embedded Bayesian Variable Selection for Ultra-high Dimensional Settings


n = 80; p = 100; nonzero = 5
trueidx <- 1:5
nonzero.value <- c(0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50)
TrueBeta = numeric(p)
TrueBeta[trueidx] <- nonzero.value

X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
y <- 0.5 + X %*% TrueBeta + rnorm(n)
res <- sven(X=X, y=y)
newx <- matrix(rnorm(20*p), 20, p)
# predicted values at a new data matrix using MAP model
yhat <- predict(object = res, newdata = newx, model = "MAP", interval = "none")
# 95% Monte Carlo prediction interval using WAM
MC.interval <- predict(object = res, model = "WAM", newdata = newx, interval = "MC", level=0.95)
# 95% Z-prediction interval using MAP model
Z.interval <- predict(object = res, model = "MAP", newdata = newx, interval = "Z", level = 0.95)

Selection of variables with embedded screening using Bayesian methods (SVEN) in Gaussian linear models (ultra-high, high or low dimensional).


SVEN is an approach to selecting variables with embedded screening using a Bayesian hierarchical model. It is also a variable selection method in the spirit of the stochastic shotgun search algorithm. However, by embedding a unique model based screening and using fast Cholesky updates, SVEN produces a highly scalable algorithm to explore gigantic model spaces and rapidly identify the regions of high posterior probabilities. It outputs the log (unnormalized) posterior probability of a set of best (highest probability) models. For more details, see Li et al. (2023,


  w = NULL,
  lam = NULL,
  Ntemp = 10,
  Tmax = NULL,
  Miter = 50,
  wam.threshold = 0.5,
  log.eps = -16,
  L = 20,
  verbose = FALSE



The n×pn\times p covariate matrix or list of two matrices without intercept. The following classes are supported: matrix and dgCMatrix. Every care is taken not to make copies of these (typically) giant matrices. No need to center or scale these matrices manually. Scaling is performed implicitly and regression coefficient are returned on the original scale. Typically, in a combined GWAS-TWAS type analysis, X[[1]] should be a sparse matrix and X[[2]] should be a dense matrix.


The response vector of length nn. No need to center or scale.


The prior inclusion probability of each variable. Default: NULL, whence it is set as n/p\sqrt{n}/p if XX is a matrix. Or (n/p1,n/p2)(\sqrt{n}/p_1,\sqrt{n}/p_2) if $X$ is a list of two matrices with p1p_1 and p2p_2 columns.


The slab precision parameter. Default: NULL, whence it is set as n/p2n/p^2 for as suggested by the theory of Li et al. (2023). Similarly, it's a vector of length two with values n/P12\sqrt{n}/P_1^2 and n/p22\sqrt{n}/p_2^2 when X is a list.


The number of temperatures. Default: 10.


The maximum temperature. Default: loglogp+logp\log\log p+\log p.


The number of iterations per temperature. Default: 50.


The threshold probability to select the covariates for WAM. A covariate will be included in WAM if its corresponding marginal inclusion probability is greater than the threshold. Default: 0.5.


The tolerance to choose the number of top models. See detail. Default: -16.


The minimum number of neighboring models screened. Default: 20.


If FALSE, the function prints the current temperature SVEN is at; the default is TRUE.


SVEN is developed based on a hierarchical Gaussian linear model with priors placed on the regression coefficients as well as on the model space as follows:

yX,β0,β,γ,σ2,w,λN(β01+Xγβγ,σ2In)y | X, \beta_0,\beta,\gamma,\sigma^2,w,\lambda \sim N(\beta_01 + X_\gamma\beta_\gamma,\sigma^2I_n)

βiβ0,γ,σ2,w,λindep.N(0,γiσ2/λ), i=1,,p,\beta_i|\beta_0,\gamma,\sigma^2,w,\lambda \stackrel{indep.}{\sim} N(0, \gamma_i\sigma^2/\lambda),~i=1,\ldots,p,

(β0,σ2)γ,w,pp(β0,σ2)1/σ2(\beta_0,\sigma^2)|\gamma,w,p \sim p(\beta_0,\sigma^2) \propto 1/\sigma^2

γiw,λiidBernoulli(w)\gamma_i|w,\lambda \stackrel{iid}{\sim} Bernoulli(w)

where XγX_\gamma is the n×γn \times |\gamma| submatrix of XX consisting of those columns of XX for which γi=1\gamma_i=1 and similarly, βγ\beta_\gamma is the γ|\gamma| subvector of β\beta corresponding to γ\gamma. Degenerate spike priors on inactive variables and Gaussian slab priors on active covariates makes the posterior probability (up to a normalizing constant) of a model P(γy)P(\gamma|y) available in explicit form (Li et al., 2020).

The variable selection starts from an empty model and updates the model according to the posterior probability of its neighboring models for some pre-specified number of iterations. In each iteration, the models with small probabilities are screened out in order to quickly identify the regions of high posterior probabilities. A temperature schedule is used to facilitate exploration of models separated by valleys in the posterior probability function, thus mitigate posterior multimodality associated with variable selection models. The default maximum temperature is guided by the asymptotic posterior model selection consistency results in Li et al. (2020).

SVEN provides the maximum a posteriori (MAP) model as well as the weighted average model (WAM). WAM is obtained in the following way: (1) keep the best (highest probability) KK distinct models γ(1),,γ(K)\gamma^{(1)},\ldots,\gamma^{(K)} with

logP(γ(1)y)logP(γ(K)y)\log P\left(\gamma^{(1)}|y\right) \ge \cdots \ge \log P\left(\gamma^{(K)}|y\right)

where KK is chosen so that log{P(γ(K)y)/P(γ(1)y)}>log.eps\log \left\{P\left(\gamma^{(K)}|y\right)/P\left(\gamma^{(1)}|y\right)\right\} > \code{log.eps}; (2) assign the weights

wi=P(γ(i)y)/k=1KP(γ(k)y)w_i = P(\gamma^{(i)}|y)/\sum_{k=1}^K P(\gamma^{(k)}|y)

to the model γ(i)\gamma^{(i)}; (3) define the approximate marginal inclusion probabilities for the jjth variable as

π^j=k=1KwkI(γj(k)=1).\hat\pi_j = \sum_{k=1}^K w_k I(\gamma^{(k)}_j = 1).

Then, the WAM is defined as the model containing variables jj with π^j>wam.threshold\hat\pi_j > \code{wam.threshold}. SVEN also provides all the top KK models which are stored in an p×Kp \times K sparse matrix, along with their corresponding log (unnormalized) posterior probabilities.

When X is a list with two matrices, say, W and Z, the above method is extended to ncol(W)+ncol(Z) dimensional regression. However, the hyperparameters lam and w are chosen separately for the two matrices, the default values being nrow(W)/ncol(W)^2 and nrow(Z)/ncol(Z)^2 for lam and sqrt(nrow(W))/ncol(W) and sqrt(nrow(Z))/ncol(Z) for w.

The marginal inclusion probabities can be extracted by using the function mip.


A list with components

A vector of indices corresponding to the selected variables in the MAP model.


A vector of indices corresponding to the selected variables in the WAM.

A sparse matrix storing the top models.

The ridge estimator of regression coefficients in the MAP model.


The ridge estimator of regression coefficients in the WAM.

The marginal inclusion probabilities of the variables in the MAP model.


The marginal inclusion probabilities of the variables in the WAM.

The log (unnormalized) posterior probability corresponding to the MAP model.

A vector of the log (unnormalized) posterior probabilities corresponding to the top models.


Additional statistics.


Dongjin Li, Debarshi Chakraborty, and Somak Dutta
Maintainer: Dongjin Li <[email protected]>


Li, D., Dutta, S., and Roy, V. (2023). Model based screening embedded Bayesian variable selection for ultra-high dimensional settings. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 32(1), 61-73.

See Also

[mip.sven()] for marginal inclusion probabilities, [predict.sven()](via [predict()]) for prediction for .


n <- 50; p <- 100; nonzero <- 3
trueidx <- 1:3
truebeta <- c(4,5,6)
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p) # n x p covariate matrix
y <- 0.5 + X[,trueidx] %*% truebeta + rnorm(n)
res <- sven(X=X, y=y)
res$ # the MAP model

Z <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p) # another covariate matrix
y2 = 0.5 + X[,trueidx] %*% truebeta  + Z[,1:2] %*% c(-2,-2) + rnorm(n)
res2 <- sven(X=list(X,Z), y=y2)